Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Watching, Waiting and Wishing!

Come now, Patty, you are not a child! You are a mature lady, riding through life with purpose and hope in your heart! Sounds like the right advice to receive doesn't it? How in the world did I get to this point in my life? What brought me this far? What emotional mountains did I have to scale to reach this plateau of wonder and a sense of worth? Sixty plus years ago, a little child was born prematurely in a Tacoma hospital....didn't even get to see my home until a month later, never experienced that maternal bonding from the incubator side of my newborn world! -- Mom was alone, Daddy was in a far off South American country....they communicated through letters (which I still possess tied up in ribbon) -- My daddy was excited to meet me, hold me in his arms, my mom was extremely tired and worried about her daughter in the hospital, in a darkened room, waiting, watching....wondering when she could bring her bundle of delight home. To be held, rocked and hugged is very important to newborns....there are people now days that actually volunteer in local hospitals just to do this very loving task. As life evolves around me, even at this age, I still wait, wonder and wish. Hoping to catch a glimpse of what's to come with whatever time is left on this planet. Where will God take me? What will He have me to do? Women, by their very nature, usually have a great sense of direction. My daughter, for instance, is someone who supplies directions easily and can find places without being challenged. She's like a walking GPS! My motto: "Always get lost once before reaching the destination!" Are you lost? Is your GPS malfunctioning? What is it you wish to find? Maybe the coordinates are incorrectly keyed in. Make sure your eyes are set on the correct destination. Pray and ask God to show you the way. Listen, He is speaking, are you hearing? Yes, your life will be filled with peaks and valleys, adventures all. Don't worry, if you make a wrong turn, this is a story of restoration, redirection and revelation -- love will never fail you, faith will lift you up and prayers will keep lines of communication open. "Wait on the Lord, Be of good courage and He shall strengthen your heart; wait I say on the Lord"....psalm 27:14

1 comment:

  1. Patty, I am so glad God saw fit to have us "meet" via Amazon! Love this blog...and so needed it. It is so easy to let others "define" us when it is God who has that honor! The verse you used, Psalm 27:14 was one I held onto the tightest when I went through a difficult time in my own life! Thank you for sharing your thoughts! Now on to read your other posts!! Pat
